Enrollment Information
Welcome to the Hooch Family!
STEP ONE: Complete the Online Registration Application. Fulton County Schools utilizes Online Registration powered by Infinite Campus for all enrollment needs.
Click HERE to complete the online registration. If you have an account with Infinite Campus - Parent Portal, follow the steps HERE.
STEP TWO: Please upload as many required documents as possible during completion of the Online Registration. After you complete your Online Registration, you should receive an email from Fulton County Schools with confirmation that your application has been submitted and receive an OLR# (Online Registration Number is 6-digits). Please email Ms. Patricia Movilla-Leal your OLR # at movillalealp@fultonschools.org.
STEP THREE: Wait for a reply from Ms. Movilla-Leal that your Online Registration application has been received. Once received and uploaded documents verified, you will receive a Welcome to Chattahoochee email with more information and how to set up an appointment to meet with your student's assigned counselor.
STEP FOUR: Gather and bring the following with you to your Registration Appointment:
From Previous School:
- Copy of Transcript (rising 9th graders must provide final transcript from middle school)
- Discipline record (verification of no outstanding disciplinary action)
- Attendance report for previous year
- Withdrawal form from previous school with withdrawal grades if applicable
- Complete mailing address of the previous school attended
- Mathematics documentation (not required for enrollment but needed for proper placement)
From Home:
Please provide the six (6) REQUIRED DOCUMENTS as outlined in Fulton County Schools Enrollment Policy.
Student immunization & health information must be on Georgia Certificate of Immunization (Form 3231) and Georgia Eye, Ear and Dental Screening (Form 3300). These forms can be obtained from a Georgia physician, walk-in clinic, or the North Fulton Regional Health Center located at 3155 Royal Drive , Alpharetta, GA 30022.
Student Withdrawal Information
STEP ONE: Complete and print the Fulton Schools Withdrawal Form available HERE. Para la version en Español, haz click ACA.
STEP TWO: Email the completed form to Ms. Patricia Movilla-Leal at movillalealp@fultonschools.org.
Please be aware that our staff have limited hours and will contact you to set up an appointment to withdraw your student(s). During this appointment, you will be required to return all FCS property including textbooks, uniforms, laptop device and all device accessories.
Our Registrar
- Name: Patricia Movilla-Leal
- Email: movillalealp@fultonschools.org
- Phone #: (470) 254-7558
- Fax #: (470) 254-7615
Various Forms
- Request for Withdrawal Form
- Formulario Solicitud de Retiro
- Certificate of Immunization GA Form 3231
- Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental and Nutrition Screening GA Form 3300
- Affidavit of Religious Objection to Immunization
- Declaración Jurada de Objeción Religiosa a la Inmunización
- Student Residency Verification Form